Benedikt Bitterli

An Efficient Denoising Algorithm for Global Illumination

Michael Mara   Morgan McGuire   Benedikt Bitterli   Wojciech Jarosz

In Proceedings of High Performance Graphics, 2017

An Efficient Denoising Algorithm for Global Illumination


We propose a hybrid ray-tracing/rasterization strategy for real- time rendering enabled by a fast new denoising method. We factor global illumination into direct light at rasterized primary surfaces and two indirect lighting terms, each estimated with one path- traced sample per pixel. Our factorization enables efficient (biased) reconstruction by denoising light without blurring materials. We demonstrate denoising in under 10 ms per 1280×720 frame, compare results against the leading offline denoising methods, and include a supplement with source code, video, and data.


